Switch language

Superman is back.





第1集   第2集  

area:America is
director:by Brian Singh.
Introduction:Always looking for roots (Brandon Routh) returned to the comet, hoping to find other companions, but everything there was long gone. and this went 5 years.
Details:Superman (Brandon Routh) returned to the comet, hoping to find other companions, but everything there was long gone. and this was 5 years. 5 years later, Superman returned to Earth, but everything around him has changed. he found the earth has become accustomed to no superman protection, he has always admired Louise (Kate Bosworth) for writing a why the world does not need superman reports and won the Pulitzer Prize. Moreover, he broke his heart that she has been engaged to the chief editor's nephew, and a mother of a five-year-old child. On the other hand, his death to head Lex (Kevin Sacey) used the deceptive means to take a huge legacy, attempting to roll back.
Remark:Updated HD


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